15 May 2020

School Closure Work 18th May 2020


I’ve tried to include a selection of activities. Please don’t worry if you don’t manage to get through all of the activities or lessons. If you could aim to work for two hours a day, that would be fantastic.


Year 1:

Year 2:



Username: march20

Password: home


Use the above login for Phonics Play:  https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Please could children complete at least one Phase 5c phonics game a day. Feel free to choose a sound for them to focus on. We have covered all of the sounds now but revision for:  oi, ar, ow, ear, air and ur would be beneficial.

It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message.


It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message.

CGP books – Continue to complete a test from the maths, spag and reading book each week. Please mark these books at home and work through the answers together if possible.


(White Rose provides a video, questions, problem solving and an answer booklet)

Please watch the videos for Summer term- week 5 on the White Rose website: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

We have subscribed to the resources for White Rose so the worksheets for this week are in the links below.


There’s an alternative activity for lesson 4, if you’ve already completed it.



New Education City activities should be online to support learning.

Please watch the videos for Summer term- week 5 on the White Rose website:


We have subscribed to the resources for White Rose so the worksheets for this week are in the links below.



New Education City activities should be online to support learning.


(Monday/ Tuesday Grammar focus)

Exclamation Marks


  1. Please watch the video about exclamation marks.
  2. Have a go at the games on the website.
  3. Look at the worksheet below – circle the exclamation marks and talk about why they have been used.
  4. Try out the Education City games.



Exclamation Marks


  1. Please watch the video about exclamation marks.
  2. Have a go at the games on the website.
  3. Below is a worksheet where you can try to put the correct punctuation at the end of each sentence. Sometimes an exclamation mark and full stop will work.
  4. Try out the Education City games.

Guided Reading:


Please read the Dragon Street comic in the resources below.


  1. Explain any words that children have struggled with and read again.
  2. Identify all of the words with ‘ow’ in them. What sound is the ‘ow’ making?
  3. Sort the words into groups with an ‘ow’ making ‘snow’ and –‘town’
  4. Task: Create your own dragon and something that they like to do. Try to use as many ‘ow’ sounds as you can.


Open the resource below: ‘Dinosaur Egg in the resources below.



  1. Time your child for 60 seconds reading this text. How many words have they managed to read? (Year 2 expected is approximately 90 words per minute)
  2. Read the text again and discuss any words they are unfamiliar with.
  3. Answer the comprehension questions.


Painting and sketching

This half terms Art unit is painting, however if you don’t have access to paint, you can complete these activities by drawing or with any other medium you can find around the house. These activities are based on observational landscape painting which could be done in a garden or park. If not, you can paint from a photograph.

  1. Colour mixing - What colours can you make? Use the 3 primary colours (red, blue and yellow) to mix as many different colours as possible and record on a piece of paper.
  2. Colours in nature - Go outside and look at the colours you can see in nature. Can you try to mix those colours and record them on a piece of paper.
  3. Sketching – Look outside - what can you see? Try to draw EVERYTHING you can see. Think carefully: Is a tree the same size as a flower? Is the garden chair bigger or smaller than the shed?
  4. Finally, try to put your skills together. Can you paint a landscape? Try to draw the landscape first, then mix your colours and apply them.



Please send me pictures of artwork so that I can post them on the website/blog.




class 2 18.05.20 resources

Category: Class 2 School Closure

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