These are the words that we will be learning in class this half term. We will be looking at them every day in class and in our English lessons.
Spelling strategy
Children will not be given spelling tests each week.
Words will be taught in school throughout the week.
Work marked will target these spellings only with children asked to copy out spellings three times at the end of their work.
Bespoke target spellings to be given to each child (via a card flap in their books) for further focus of individual need.
Words will be available on classroom displays and resources on tables so children are immersed in them.
Spelling Shed will be set up so children can access additional spellings at home if they desire.
Spellings Autumn One
For extra help:
Class 4 for additional work you can access spellings from the Spelling Shed website. Feel free to use these resources if you would like extra work on your year group spelling rules. Spelling Shed website.
Your username and password will be stuck into your reading diaries.