1 May 2020

School Closure Work 4th May 2020


Year 1:

Year 2:



Username: march20

Password: home


Use the above login for Phonics Play:  https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Please could children complete at least one Phase 5c phonics game a day. Feel free to choose a sound for them to focus on. We have covered all of the sounds now but revision for:  oi, ar, ow, ear, air and ur would be beneficial.

It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message.


It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message.

CGP books – Continue to complete a test from the maths, spag and reading book each week. Please mark these books at home and work through the answers together if possible.


(White Rose provides a video, questions, problem solving and an answer booklet)

Please complete lessons 1 and 2 in Summer term Week 2 on White Rose Maths Home Learning website. There first 3 lessons focus on addition. If you have any pasta, cubes, beads or small objects, please use them to support learning.


At some point White Rose are only providing the worksheets for their Premium members. Our school has a membership and will continue to use White Rose as it provides children with a quality maths education. At the moment it appears that the worksheets are still freely available on the website. When this changes, I will download the sheets and upload them onto this page.




New Education City activities should be online to support learning.


Please complete lessons 1 and 2 in Summer term Week 2 on White Rose Maths Home Learning website. These lessons focus on addition.


At some point White Rose are only providing the worksheets for their Premium members. Our school has a membership and will continue to use White Rose as it provides children with a quality maths education. At the moment it appears that the worksheets are still freely available on the website. When this changes, I will download the sheets and upload them onto this page.




New Education City activities should be online to support learning.


(Monday/ Tuesday Grammar focus)

Focus for Year 1: Suffixes

This week’s English lessons are focussed around suffixes. Suffixes are added to the end of the word to change the tense or meaning. Watch the video below. The suffixes which Year 1 are expected to know are ‘ing’, ‘ed’ and ‘er’ where no change is made to the spelling of the root word. For example: building, faster, wanted



  1. Please complete the games on the BBC Bitesize website, below the video.
  2. Below there is a fortune teller with er, ing and ed if you’re feeling creative!
  3. Please try to write your own sentences using the words that you have seen in the video and on the sheet below.
  4. There is a fill the gaps worksheet below where children are required to choose the correct word for the sentence.

There are activities on Education City to support this learning.


Focus for Year 1: Suffix ‘ly’

This week’s English lessons are focussed around the ‘ly’ suffix. Below is a poster explain what it is. There is also a video for children to watch.

Year 3 spellings: suffix '-ly' [adverb]: 4 main rules: ppt and ...




  1. Please complete the games on the BBC Bitesize website below the video.
  2. Please try to write your own sentences using the words in the video and the words on the poster above.
  3. Below is an activity sheet where you add ‘ly’ to words. Please talk about the meaning of each word or ask children to find it in a dictionary/thesaurus.

There are activities on Education City to support this learning.

Guided Reading:


Please read the Magic Hat comic in the resources below.


  1. Explain any words that children have struggled with and read again.
  2. Identify all of the words with ‘g’ in them. What sound is the ‘g’ making?
  3. Sort the words into groups with an ‘g’ making ‘grab’ and ‘magic’
  4. Question:
  • What will happen next? Draw a sequel comic

Open the resource below: ‘Building Castles’ in the resources below.



  1. Time your child for 60 seconds reading this text. How many words have they managed to read? (Year 2 expected is approximately 90 words per minute)
  2. Read the text again and discuss any words they are unfamiliar with.
  3. Answer the comprehension questions.


Unit Title: Properties of Everyday Materials


This week’s topic is all about the properties of everyday materials. Next week we will look at the uses of everyday materials.


  1. Watch the BBC Bitesize video. What materials can you see in the video? Metal, rock, wood, plastic, fabric.
  2. Watch the BBC Bitesize video again. Talk about the different properties of the materials on the video. Are they hard, soft, shiny, dull smooth, rough, soft, hard?
  3. Labelling materials -What materials can you see around your house/garden? Use the labels (below) to blue tack them to the different materials you can find.
  4. Sorting materials – Can you find some materials to sort into rough/smooth? Hard/soft? Plastic/metal? Can you sort the materials in your own way? There are some labels/ideas for sorting below.


Below is a link to the STEM website when contains a materials investigation you could do at home.



If you would prefer a quieter activity, Education City also has materials focussed lessons 


We will continue with the topic into next week.


Education City has some Computing activities which will be active for the whole half term. The focus is: Information Technology. Feel free to access them as you would like. They are available to all children and there is a mix of activities, videos and questions to prompt conversation.


Class 2 resources 4.5.20

Category: Class 2 School Closure

School & College Websites by Schudio