Homework in Class 4

  • Reading – Reading at home is extremely important for children’s fluency, comprehension and love of reading. Please read at least five times and week and record it in children’s reading diaries. Books will be changed at least twice weekly when diaries have been signed to say that children have read. Children who have read 5 times a week will receive a house token to put towards their house's points. 
  • Spellings- we will not be having a weekly spelling test this half term. Instead we will be learning spellings in class daily. The words that we will be focussing upon can be found in the spellings folder, if you would like to support your child at home.  

Help your child to fly!

Please find this terms Knowledge mats. These will provide children and parents with an overview of our topics, key vocabulary that can be discussed and learnt at home and some possible areas for further work and exploration at home. Any support will allow your children to further deepen their knowledge of these topics.


Class 4 Knowledge Mats 2023-24


White Rose Maths 

How best to help your child at home? Why not support their mathematics journey by accessing their learning through these Home workbooks. Simply click on the link and work though the questions with your child. Revision at the end of a unit is always beneficial as to is some pre-teaching, showing them the next unit they will be learning about in school can boost confidence as well as subject knowledge. 

Year 6 Summer

SAT's revision 

1. Arithmetic

2. Reasoning

3. Reasoning 2

Year 5 Summer


2.Properties of Shape

3.Position and Direction

4. Converting units

5. Volume

Year 5 spring term

1. Multiplication and Division

2. Fractions

3. Fractions 2

4. Decimals and Percentages

Year 5 Autum term

1. Place Value

2. Addition and Subtraction

3. Statistics

4. Multiplication and Division

5. Perimeter and Area

Year 6 Spring Term


2. Percentages

3. Algebra

4. Converting units


Year 6 Autum term

1.Place Value

2.Four Operations

3. Four Operations Unit 2






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