11 November 2022

We have had a great week again at St Mary's. Remembrance day has been a real focus as we remember all those who have fought for and served their countries. We have observed our 2 minutes silence as a school and Miss Wood has produced some wonderful art work based around this theme in Forest school. We have also had our PE lessons watched by our PE lead Mr Challinor. It was great to have him back at St Mary's; he left very pleased with what he saw and how active and engaged the children all were. We also started our new recorder club which was wonderful to see.
Thank you to those parents who have expressed an interest in becoming a parnt governor for our school. We had a productive meeting on Thursday with Mrs Gethin where we mapped oput our vison for this new venture. If anyone is still interested please let me know.
You Said We did...
Thank you to everyone who filled in the lunchtime survey questionnaire. We have already made some changes, adding sandwich options to the menu and reintroducing favourties such as the jacket potato option. Our cook is busy working on new menus for the spring term based on your feedback.
We are currently working on our ArtsMark award here at St Mary's. Miss Davis has an exciting art competition coming up for all children, parents and wider community members to take part in. More details will be provided next week but we really hope you all join in and give it a go. Remember 'every child is an artist'.
PTA events
Remember that next Thursday 17th is our school film night. Please remember to drop your money and permission slip back to the office so our wonderful PTA can plan the event. See here for more details.
Have a wonderful weekend.