15 February 2023

Image of Mr Wynn's school update

Another half term draws to a close here at St Mary's and what a half term we have had. It is so nice to have the dark and cold behind us as we move into the spring. We love spring here at school; gardening has commenced and the children are enjoying their time outside. Forest school is beginning to show the signs of Spring and the raised beds are coming to life. 

Parents evening this week was a huge success and we thank you all for your attendance, posiitve comments and ongoing support. We really hope you enjoyed our welcome display in the entrance. Thanks to Ms Davis for putting this together for us to showcase our creativity. The comments we received were so wonderful and really gave all the staff a lift. I thank them for all their hard work and effort in teaching your children - they are an exceptional team that really strive to allow your children to fly. 

Our Year 3/4 football team played again this week, putting in a great performance against St Joseph. The final score was 2-1 to St Joseph's but the effort, team work and positivity from our boys was first rate. Five more minutes and we would have got the equaliser we deserved! 


Upcoming events 

Remember to keep checking the events section of our school website for all of the exciting things we have on in school. Hopefully you are all still receiving the notifications via schudio but always remember to visit the website and check out our class pages. 

Art Competition

We have been blown away by the amount of entries we have had for our art competition. With rumours of people still busily working away in their sheds with jigsaws and other types of machinery we have decided to extend the deadline so that you now have half term to complete your entries. Remember it is about having fun and remembering that everyone is an artist. 

We have been visited today by Mrs Coleman-Harris and Mrs Conlon, they are both doing well and enjoying their maternity but missing our lovely school in the process. They could not believe the progress the children have made since they left and were blown away by them! 


Thank you again for a wonderful half term. I hope you all have a well-earned break with your families.


Mr Wynn

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