28 April 2023

It has been a great 2 weeks back at school since Easter - where does the time go! There has already been such a wealth of learning going on plus a day in pyjamas of course! When I come into school i always feel the buzz of learning in every classroom. On Tuesday there were children everywhere, working in small groups and pairs across the school - every one of them was on task, engaged and perfectly behaved. They are a special group that make me very proud.
I would also like to say a huge thank you to Ms Davis who has taken on her new role as Deputy brilliantly. She has led the school wonderfully and confirmed everything i already knew about her dedication, hard-work and passion for our school.
Our Greenpower race day prepartions are going well. The cars look fabulous and as of this week they also drive brillianlty too! Well done Class 4. I have also been so impressed with Year 6 as they prepare for SATs week. Every time I have walked into their class they have been so focussed on their revision, It is a pleasure to see them shine and grow. Whatever their results may be is secondary to the people they are - well done guys!
The Great Outdoors
School is looking wonderful both inside and out and it is so great to see the children engaged and being so creative. Our value this half term is creativity and i see it everywhere i look at the moment - well done children.
We had a hugely productive governors meeting this week. i feel so lucky to have such a supportive, well-informed and dedicated governing board who are all so invested in our school. As it is quite a new and evolving process you may not be aware of who they all are. Why not take a look on our governor page here
I always think a good judgement of a school is there year 6. Ours are amazing - epitomised by our girls wonderful behaviour, team work and positivity at their JCB Academy day. You are such role models for our school girls - well done. There are some more photos of the event here
I mentioned a few weeks ago that there are now school cardigans to purchase through our supplier. They look amazing and go really well with the summer dresses. Please can i remind parents to ensure children have their ties every day - we have a few spares in school but they are rapidly disappearing. Each class also has some spare black hoodies/sweatshirts for PE so children can avoid wearing tops with logos. Our uniform supplier is here.
Have a wonderful long weekend.
Mr Wynn