19 December 2023

Image of December newsletter

December Newsletter 

Well what an amazing half term we have had! It is hard to reflect on just how many wonderful experiences we have had at school.

Christmas dinner was a huge success. We had a great meal finished off by a lovely whole school rendition of The12 Days of Christmas. 

Singing has been a theme this term with lots of practice for our upcoming Young Voices concert, some beautiful carols performed at our recent Christingle and Carol Services and singing at the village hall for the friendship group. Our Dance and Drama lessons have culminated in some wonderful perfomances which have allowed our children to flourish and fly - not to mention Class 1 and 2's brilliant Nativity!

Behind the scenes we have conducted whole school reviews for History and Religous Education as well as working on our new Science curriculum and its impact on our children.

We are delighted to have recently been awarded a History Mark Gold standard award which came with some glowing feedback for our school. A full report is available here: 

Gold History Mark

Black Country museum trip Class 2


We have had a very succesful Big Breakfast this term which raised valuable funds for our school. PTA bought each class a huge selection of stationery which was very well received! . We are truly blown away by the generosity of everyone linked to the school and just how much money we have raised. We have also raised money for The British Heart Foundation and over £1000 for Children in Need!


We really are so lucky to have such caring families and a wider community to help us raise these funds. 

Key Updates

PE Kit: The children look extremely smart at the moment and we are pleased with how they are all consistently coming in the correct kit this year. Please ensure that kit is plain black and white. 

Plans are under way for energy efficient and cost effective dishwashers for the kitchen. Our catering team are working hard on these plans at present. 

Reading diaries; These are checked each week and children are rewarded for reading 5 times. Key Stage 2 children change their books when they are finished and signed by a parent. Key Stage 1 and Early years will have books changed each week. We would like children in Class 1 to read their books at least 3 times and for this to be signed off by a parent. Children also have their 50 read books to keep them occupied during the week. Please may parents also sign to say these have been read. 

Attendance: Thank you for your support with getting your children to school regularly. School attenmdance this term is 95%. 

Next term

Spring term will be another exciting one here at The Howard with residentials amongst the exciting things coming up. To keep on top of events for your child please regularly visit the events page of the website which will have all the information you need. We will regularly update this as new events arise and will add any key information you may need. This can be accessed here: Events

The calendar also has reminders of PE days etc to help you organise your week. Calendar. Remember this can also be accessed via the Schudio App which is great to have on your phone. Click here for more details. 

Thank you for all of your continued support for our school. I wish you and your family a relaxing Christmas and Happy New Year!

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