5 March 2024




Parking information for St Mary’s Colton. 


When dropping children off in the morning and collecting on the afternoon please note the following:


  1. Do not under any circumstances  park on the yellow lines outside of school. There have been a number of incidents of this happening recently. The lines indicate a no stopping zone even to let out a passenger. This applies all day and not just at 8:30am. 

  2. Please avoid the red zone just after the bridge when approaching from Rugeley. The Parish Council have requested we keep this area clear as it is a dangerous zone where people can be unsighted. 

  3. Please use the Yellow Zone around Peddlers Croft and the church. Cars can park in single lines all the way around this area which will dramatically decrease the traffic on the roads. The Parish Council have asked us to inform parents not to pull onto the grass around this area as there are old graves and areas where cards may get stuck. 

  4. The Village Hall further along Bellamour Way is also available for school use at these times. It would really ease congestion if parents opted to use this facility and walk down to school. 


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