16 May 2024

Image of May Newsletter

Summer 1 Newsletter

We have had another super busy and excting term again at St Mary's. As always our children have been amazing; approaching their learning with positivity, respect and happiness. They have had a wealth of enrichment this term including a trip back in time to experience The Great Fire of London, a visit to the National Arboretum for Earth day and working on their Greenpower electric car. Class 1 even discovered dinosaur bones! With so much to talk about it is well worth a look at the class blogs to find out more about our term. 

Year 6

Our amazing Year 6 have completed their SATs this week. We are so proud of them for all of their hard work; their dedication to their homework and their positivity throughout. It was an honour to watch them approach each test with such perseverance and resilience. SATs are not the making of a child but how they are approached by the children is a reflection of their characters - our 6 children are amazing in every way and have progressed so much this year. They are kind, caring, respectful and ultimately wonderful young adults. 

The rest of the school have also been busy completing their end of year assessments - I have been so impressed with their effort and dedication at this busy time. 


The St Mary's LGC (Local Governing Committee) have now been in position for over 18 months. Our role is to be the link between the Board of Directors for the Trust and Mr Wynn, helping to ensure to correct strategic direction for the school. Some of our recent activities included attending school for a Science review, observing Year 6 SATs and conducting a strong governance audit to identify our current strengths and areas for improvement. For more about our structure and roles please see the trust website.


General updates 

Please remember to keep your eye on our calendar and events page via Schudio/the website. 

Tennis club on Tuesday is available to book now: Tennis is a racket sport that is played either individually against a single opponent or between two teams of two players each. [More] [https://www.clubz4kidz.co.uk/tennis]

PE and Forest school days remain on the calendar - please ensure you have the correct kit on the days needed. Please remember plain clothing for PE. 


Summer 2

Next term we will be learning about the value of Peace in Worship and gearing up to Sport's Day, our Leavers Service and all the excitmement that comes with it. Our art gallery event is also just around the corner, where we are looking foward to sharing some of the children's amazing creativity with you. We will also be having our transition day with our new class teachers. I cannot believe we are approaching the end of another school year already!

I hope that you all have a resful two weeks break and some time with your families and friends.

Mr Wynn and Miss Davis 


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