8 June 2020

School Closure Work 8th June 2020



Year 1:

Year 2:



Username: march20

Password: home


Use the above login for Phonics Play:  https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Please could children complete at least one Phase 5c phonics game a day. Feel free to choose a sound for them to focus on. We have covered all of the sounds now but revision for:  oi, ar, ow, ear, air and ur would be beneficial.


I’d like to introduce children to the Monster Phonics scheme. If you could have and go and become familiar with the characters, that would be fantastic. Similar to Phonics Play, they are offering free games at the moment.



Username: login

Password: homelearning

It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message.




It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message.


Weekly maths – please work through the week 7 on the White Rose Home learning page. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/


Answers are unavailable this week.


New Education City activities should be online to support learning.

Weekly maths – please work through the week 7 on the White Rose Home learning page.



Answers are unavailable this week.


New Education City activities should be online to support learning.



Sidney Spider – A Tale of Friendship:

We’ve really enjoyed reading this story in school. Please complete these pages




Helping Sidney to improve his handwriting page 11



Suggesting hiding places for Sidney: developing confidence with prepositions

Page 12




A spider fact file page 13


The Magical Teaching Box:

Please complete these pages



Match words to their meanings and write sentences page 11





Explore apostrophes page 12 and 13


Guided Reading:


Please read the Meal Out comic in the resources below.


  1. Explain any words that children have struggled with and read again.
  2. Identify all of the words with ‘ea’ in them. What sound is the ‘ea’ making?
  3. Sort the words into groups with an ‘ea’ making ‘head’ and –‘beast’
  4. List as many words as you can with the ‘ea’ spelling.
  5. Task: Create your own comic (template below) about your own character, using as many ‘ea’ words as you can.


Open the resource below: T Rex in the resources below.



  1. Time your child for 60 seconds reading this text. How many words have they managed to read? (Year 2 expected is approximately 90 words per minute)
  2. Read the text again and discuss any words they are unfamiliar with.
  3. Answer the comprehension questions.



 This week’s topic is kites. Please watch the slides attached below and choose from the worksheets.

  1. Explore the history of kites.
  2. Explore the materials used to make kites.
  3. Make a carp kite.
  4. Explore the design of diamond kites.


Class 2 8.6.20 resources

Category: Class 2 School Closure

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