5 January 2021

Hello Class 4,  

I hope you are ready to start your online learning this term! 

Each day will follow the same pattern. We will do some Maths, English, Reading and one other subject each day. 

We will start at 8.45am for online registration, where I will give you an overview of the day’s activities. 



9am - watch your Maths video. You can find them on these links:

Year 5 - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/

Year 6 - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/

Remember that you can pause the video as often as you need to. Please complete your Maths work in your workbook.  When you have completed this, please have a go at the challenges I have uploaded to Google Classroom (aim to complete 2 of these each day).

10.10am Take a break! Leave your computer and have a stretch.


10:30am - English lesson. (This will include discussions on the Guided Reading work and tasks completed the day before).

11:45am – Lunch break! Leave your computer and have a stretch.


12:30pm - This will be Geography, Art, Science or RE. We will be covering our Geography module first. 


1.30pm - Guided Reading work. This will be posted on Google Classroom.


2:00pm - Maths. We will come together to mark your work and go over anything tricky.

Year 5 meet.google.com/ygz-ydwp-qgo

Year 6 – meet.google.com/tvi-opai-xqp

2.30pm Take a break! Leave your computer and have a stretch. Complete any unfinished tasks.

3:00pm - Worship with Mr Wynn


Please don’t forget to read daily and use TT Rockstars!

There are 5 ‘live’ sessions per day (highlighted). Please email k.bennett@tssmat.staffs.sch.uk if you need any further support on any of the tasks, or please stay online after one of the Google Meet sessions and I’ll be happy to help.

Category: Class 4

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