14 September 2021

Image of Class 2's topics

I'll post an overview of topics on the website regularly so you can talk about the topics at home and bring in any artefacts/books/work you might like to share with us. I'll share a few ideas of projects you can do at home to support and inspire learning.


English - This week we are finishing retelling the story of Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. 

RE - We are learning about the Creation Story for the whole half term.

Ideas at home: We have a big creation display in school, any animals, trees or fish that you would like to bring it would be very welcome. Please bring them in cut out and no bigger than A5.

Geography - This week we are finishing learning about ariel maps, our school, our journeys to school and where we live. 

Ideas at home: Can you make an ariel view map of your house or street?

Science - This week and next week we will be learning to identify animals in science. We will look at mini-beasts, ocean animals and categories of animals. 

Ideas at home: Can you go on a mini-beast hunt around your house/local area? Let us know what you find! 


Feel free to email pictures to stmarys@tssmat.staffs.sch.uk or send in work for us to look at.


Category: Class 2

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