20 November 2024

Image of Roblox tightens safety measures

Roblox Tightens Safety Measures

Roblox, one of the most popular games around the world, has been under a lot of fire lately for a whole host of reasons, such as highly inappropriate games accessible to young children, questionable moderation, significant grooming concerns and more.

At its most basic, Roblox is a platform where any user can create games and one of the biggest concerns is that none of these user-generated games have required an age rating system. That's about to change, from mid-December creators will have to content-rate their games. Whilst a positive step it still raises lots of questions, such as:

  • Is anyone checking these ratings?
  • What about games prior to mid-December?
  • Will there be enhanced moderation?
  • and more.

It's a positive step forward but much more needs to be done by Roblox and other platforms to help parents with keeping their children safe. You can read more about the concerns and the steps which Roblox are taking HERE.

Posted by Mr Wynn

Category: Online Safety

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