22 September 2022

It has been a great couple of weeks here at St Mary's. There have been lots of exciting lessons and events going on. Our wonderful Class 4 children had a great week at Standon Bowers on their week long residential. They were a credit to the school throughout the week, showing great resilience, perseverance and team work and mixing superbly well with the other children from across the MAT.
Classes 3 and 4 have undertaken their Bikeability over the last few weeks, gaining valuable life skills to help them stay safe on the roads. Feedback from the instructors was really complimentary for both groups of children.
School routines are now very much in place. Your child should now be reading regularly at home and accessing their spellings. Key Stage 2 have access to the brilliant Spelling Shed website to allow them to practise in fun and engaging ways. Please take a look if you have not had chance to.
PTA have had their meeting and are really excited to welcome you all to their coffee morning on Friday. It will be great to see you all for a coffee and a catch up after you drop the children into school.
School dinners are proving very popular again which is great to see. Our chef works hard to ensure the food is tasty and healthy at the same time. Please take a look at our menu's and discuss with your child what they might like to have on each day in advance. There are always two choices which can be found on the link here with the second choice being a vegetarian alternative. For those children who bring sandwiches please endeavour to make them healthy with no sweets. We also have a severe allergy in school so no nuts are permitted.
A view from inside...
At St Mary's we use our tool belt to help us fly like eagles. You may hear your child talking about this. There are a number of 'tools' for our children to use here in school and at home. Perseverance is one we talk about a lot and encourage. This helps promote independence and a sense of working hard to the best of their abilities in all they do. It encourages them to work hard for themselves. It also allows them to realise that hard work is needed to achieve our goals. As Thomas Edison said.....
Have a great weekend everyone!