7 October 2022

Image of Mr Wynn's school update

Another week has flown by here at St Mary's. The children have again been hard at work and learning lots of exciting things from mummification to people who help us.

I have seen some amazing writing across school, especially the children's editing and improving to make their work the best it can be. Check out this piece by Isla and our Year 1 predictions in Guided reading. 



In Worship we continued the story of Munni and her life in India.

This was part of our wonderbook series kindly purchased by our PTA. Each month we have a new story about a child from around the World. It helps us understand how lucky we are and how we can support others. We have also worked on our Harvest festival service for next week. Please join us at 2pm on Friday. Children should bring along a donation for Rugeley foodbank. Reverend Anne informs me that they are particularly short of soup, tinned veg and tinned fruit although any non-perishables will be welcome.


I hope you have found the White Rose maths parent workbooks handy to support your child at home and that our key stage 2 children are now into a rourtine with their spelling shed. 

Maths information

Spelling shed link


We are still having issues with unnamed PE kit and uniform. Could we ask that you check that all of your child's uniform is labelled, notably the black PE hoodies of which we have lots of unnamed ones in lost property. 

Phunky Foods

Our Year 5 Phunky Foods ambassadors delivered a wonderful Worship on Thursday all about how important it is to drink water. A number of children are at present bringing juice to school in their bottles. Our school policy is for children to have water only in their bottles unless there are exceptional circumstances. Our Food Policy is available on the website but could you please encourage your child to only bring water into school. 

I spent some time watching our Crossbow club on Tuesday. It was great to see them in action and how much they have progressed. Next terms club is Fencing which can be booked on the following link. https://www.clubz4kidz.co.uk/my-childs-school-portal-st-marys-ce-primary-school.html#/

Have a wonderful weekend.








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