21 October 2022

Another week has flown by here at St Mary's and with it the end of our first half term of the year. There has been some fantastic, creative learning going on this week. I have seen lots of exciting art and DT lessons across school with children showing their creativity to the maximum. I was very proud to show two of our Directors around earlier this week. They both left very impressed with what they saw, in particular the amazing behaviour of your children.
Creativity has also been abundant in our dance and drama this week. All classes put on a wonderful performance that made everyone here at St Mary's very proud. It has again been nice to see the children outside so much enjoying the Autumn weather. I had a great time with Class 2 earlier in the week searching for bugs!
In Church we have completed our half term on Respect. The Worship team and Reverend Anne did a great job as always and we look forward to next term. Sadly, Reverend Anne's last Worship with us will be on Wednesday 9th November. A sad day for us all but an exciting step in her life.
Thank you to all who attended parents evening this term. We had over 95% of the school attend which was great to see and showed the strength of our parent-teacher relationships. Thank you for all you do to support your children and our school.
Next term is an exciting one filled with Christmas activities, a theatre trip for the whole school booked by our PTA and Christingle in church. It will also be a cold one so please ensure children come prepared for all weathers so we can continue getting them outside as much as we can.
You said We did...
Finally thank you to all parents who have completed our lunchtime survey. We will use this feedback to improve our service and keep you posted on any updates. We have aready altered the food slightly to support the needs of the children. Details can be found on our new menu here.
Have a wonderful half term. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 1st November.
But those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength;
they will mount up with wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary;
they will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40 v 31)