1 December 2022

We have had another great few weeks here at St Mary's and Christmas is definitely upon us. The children are busy decorating their classrooms, making Christmas cards and calendars and preparing for plays and church services. We had an amazing time at the pantomime. It was great to see the children so full of joy and happiness.
Thanks to our PTA again for funding this. Our PTA are still desperate for support for the forthcoming Big Breakfast. Please complete the Google form if you can help at all.
Class 3 also had a great day out at Birmingham Think Tank museum to complete their science topic on States of Matter.
There are lots more photos of this in the Class 3 blog area. Classes 1 and 2 have really excelled in their play practices and the stage has come to life with a wonderful nativity backdrop ready for next Wednesday. We can't wait to show you how amazing they have been.
Our courageous advocacy
I am so proud of the money raised recently by our school. Thank you to all of you who collected sponsors for our Children in Need ramble. We raised a huge amount of money that will make a real difference to the children of the world. We are also well under way with our Christmas fundraiser for Down's syndrome. Please take a look on this link to find out more. PADS
Our school priorites
I wanted to share some of our school priorities for this academic year with you. We will be doing lots of work around our Art and History curriculum's and also again focussing on our reading. In each class we have our Reading Challenge books which we encourage the children to try to read by the end of the school year. These books offer a real variety of authors, cultures, plots and characters that will help our children develop and sustain a love of reading. A list can also be found here. As a school we purposefully limit our homework so that children focus on their reading. The Read 5 times challenge is still ongoing and children are rewarded in school. Please could we ask that you ensure your child's diairies are signed each week and that they read to you at least twice a week. As part of our drive to support our children with their reading we are keen to recruit volunteers to hear our children read. If anyone would be interested in this opportunity please contact the school office.
Calendar of Events
Finally please remember that all of our key events are on the Events page of the website or in the calendar. This can also be accessed via the schudio app. There are lots of exciting things going on in the run up to Christmas so be sure to keep checking here. The calendar as a whole, or specific events, can be added to your own online calendars very easily just click the 'Subscribe to Calendar' button and give it a go.
Have a wonderful weekend and fly like eagles.