15 December 2022

Image of Mr Wynn's school update...

Merry Christmas everyone! What an amazing Autumn term we have had. I cannot believe we are at Christmas already. The children have had a wonderful last few weeks full of Christmas excitement alongside their normal lessons. It is credit to them all that they have worked so hard right up to the last few days of term. Our carol service today was a lovely event and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. If only the technology in church was as brilliant as our children! 


Please check out our school calendar for next term as the PE days may have moved for your child's class. This is in part down to our upcoming work with Stoke FC who will support in our PE provision. Please click here to access our calendar and remember you can add individual events or the whole calendar to to your own.

Courageous advocacy

Thank you to everyone who has supported our charity work this term. We have raised over £250 for PAD's (Down's syndrome support), over £600 for Children in Need and many more pounds for our school through the PTA events. In a time where the cost of living is so high we really appreciate all this support. 

New Governance structure

We are well under way with our new layer of governance at St Mary's. We have put together an exciting team of parents, community members and staff who will generously support our school in it's continued drive to be the best it can be. More details will follow in the new year after our training days together. 

Focus for after Christmas

Our key focus after Christmas is reading. We are really trying to get our children to have a love of reading and encouraging them to read at home. The read 5 times challenge is key to this and we would greatly appreciate your support in helping your child achieve this goal. We will also be focussing on our art and working towards our February art project. See here for more details.

Remember art comes in may forms such as dance, drama and music so be creative! 


Check out the website

Don't forget to have a look at your child's Class blog page for key information about the topics coming up next term and for links to their maths units. Please have a look in advance and help them learn some of the vocabulary and maybe research some of the areas they may be interested in. 

Thank you finally for all of the generous gifts and cards the children have delivered to each other and to our staff - we really appreciate your generosity and kindness.

Merry Christmas to you all. I know that Santa will visit each and every one of our wonderful St Mary's children. 

Remember to Believe and Achieve


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