27 March 2023

Image of Mr Wynn's school update...

Happy Easter everyone! 

I cannot believe another half term has been and gone. We have had a wonderful last few weeks here at St Mary's enjoying: the Easter service in Church which was superbly led by our Clas 4 children; takng part in exciting Easter acitivites in school and performng our dance and drama shows and making our Easter cards. All this alongside hard work, good manners and positivity. We have all earned a nice Easter break! 

Easter Service in Church


We have raised a lot of money in various ways this term. Red Nose day was a huge success and the PTA Chocolate Bingo raised over £500! This shows the support you all give for our school and the impact we can have as a community. These valuable funds will make such a difference to us. 

Dance and Drama 


Another huge thank you to Georgia and all the work she puts into our drama performances. They were again simply brilliant and a lovely way to end the school term. Class 4 also exceled yet again with their musial performance of Matilda at the Price of Wales Theatre Cannock. Such a wide-range of experiences for our children to enjoy. 

Congratulations Ms Davis 

As my role changes after Easter I am delighted to inform you that the wonderful Ms Davis will become my Deputy Headteacher. She will be working here full time to provide you with an extra layer of leadership. I will still be in school regularly but Ms Davis always being here will give the children, staff and community an extra level of support. I am sure you will join me in wishing her our best in this new role. As always please see your child's class teacher with any initial concerns. 

Thank you again for all your support this term. Enjoy your Easter holidays with your family and friends. 


Mr Wynn

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