31 March 2023

Image of Art Competition winners

A huge thank you to everyone who entered our art competion this term. The amount of entries and the positive response we got from children, parents and the wider community was simply overwhelming. We wanted our children to realise that art is subjective; that we all like different art forms and interpretations and that we are all creative and expressive individuals. The best part about art is the doing; the sitting with friends and family; the observing of a line or a mark in an object that you would not have time to spot in the business of a day.

Art is a calming infuence on our lives and should be embraced, explored and enjoyed by all. All of the people that entered our competition flew like an eagle and were all winners but the following are worthy of recognition. 

Community Award winner

Harriet (age 7)

Harriet (age 11)

Mr Elson


Artistic Award winner

Lockie and Liam 

Emily B

Nell and Noah 

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