28 March 2020

School Closure Work 30th March 2020


Year 1:

Year 2:



Username: march20

Password: home


Use the above login for Phonics Play:  https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Please could children complete at least one Phase 5c phonics game a day. Feel free to choose a sound for them to focus on. We have covered all of the sounds now but revision for:  oi, ar, ow, ear, air and ur would be beneficial.

It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message.


It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message.

CGP books – Continue to complete a test from the maths, spag and reading book each week. Please mark these books at home and work through the answers together if possible.


(White Rose provides a video, questions, problem solving and an answer booklet)

Please complete lessons 1 and 2 in Week 2 on White Rose Maths Home Learning website. There is one more lesson about Capacity and then we’ll start on the multiplication unit.




New Education City activities should be online to support learning about multiplication/counting in steps of 2, 5, and 10.


Still looking for more work? Page 17 in the school closure work pack supports this week’s multiplication unit.

Please complete lessons 1 and 2 in Week 2 on White Rose Maths Home Learning website. This week we will continue with fractions.




New Education City activities should be online to support learning about fractions.





(Monday/ Tuesday Grammar focus)

Using question marks

Watch this video which explains how to use question marks:


We have worked on this in the classroom so children should be familiar. They may need support to form a question mark correctly. There is a game on BBC Bitesize to support using question marks.


Follow up activities:

  • Education City
  • Can you write your own questions?
  • Can you spot questions in magazines/newspaper?
  • Pages 24, 25 and 26 in the closure work pack


We will try to use these skills for the writing activities later in the week.

Apostrophes for contractions

Watch this video which explains how to use apostrophes for contractions: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zcyv4qt

We have worked on this in the classroom so children should be familiar with the concept and vocabulary. There are 3 games to play on the BBC Bitesize website.


Follow up activities:

  • Education City
  • Can you use contracted words in sentences
  • Can you spot contractions in magazines/newspapers?


We will try to use these skills for the writing activities later in the week.

Guided Reading:


Please read:




  1. Explain any words that children have struggled with.
  2. Identify all of the words with ‘i’ in them. What sound is the ‘i’ making?
  3. Sort the words into groups with an i making f-i-n sound and words making k-i-n-d sound.
  4. Questions:

-What do you think kelp is?

-How do you think squid feels? Why?

-Answer the question at the end of the comic.

Open the resource below: ‘How Kangaroos Got Their Tails’



  1. Time your child for 60 seconds reading this text. How many words have they managed to read? (Year 2 expected is approximately 90 words per minute)
  2. Read the text again and discuss any words they are unfamiliar with.
  3. Answer the comprehension questions.


Watch the Easter story video on Beginners Bible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PSgoPdKQFQ

  1. Can you draw a comic strip for the Easter story?
  2. Can you make an Easter garden either outside or using lego/junk modelling?
  3. Can you retell the Easter story by writing or ordering pictures?
  4. Easter is a time to think about new beginnings. Eggs symbolise new life/beginnings, can you design your own Easter egg using religious symbols.
  5. Paint each part of the Easter story. What colours come to mind? Think of emotions for each part of your picture.
  6. The Easter story talks about Salvation and Jesus entering heaven. What do you think heaven looks like? Can you draw and label heaven?



I’ve uploaded resources to support learning at home including:

A Writing Checklist (mostly for Year 1 but it is applicable for all year groups)

A copy of the phonics poster that we use in the classroom

A copy of the VIPERS guided reading questions that we use in the classroom


I will continue to add resources to it so they are always available for you to use throughout the week.


Class 2 school closure resources

School closure work

School closure pack ANSWERS

Category: Class 2 School Closure

School & College Websites by Schudio