18 May 2020


School Closure work Wednesday 20th May 2020


Year 1:

Year 2:


Username: march20

Password: home


Use the login Phonics Play:  https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Please could children complete at least one Phase 5 phonics game a day. Feel free to choose a sound for them to focus on.

Please keep learning your spellings at home.



Please keep learning your spellings at home.

CGP books – Continue to complete a test from the maths, spag and reading book each week. Please mark these books at home and work through the answers together if possible.



Please watch the videos for Summer term- week 5 on the White Rose website: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/


Please continue with Education City activities as you have been.



Please watch the videos for Summer term- week 5 on the White Rose website:



Please continue with Education City activities as you have been.







Surprised Patrick Original Scene - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ...

Year 1:

  1. What do you think Spongebob and Patrick might be shouting? Graffiti your page with words and exclamation marks. We did a similar activity for Boxton the Rat in school.

HELP!       Ahhhhh!           STOP!       Help me!

  1. Can you create a parage using these words/phrases?

HELP! Shouted Spongebob as he looked over the cliff. STOP! Exclaimed Patrick as he watched Squidward running towards him.

Year 2:

I would like Year 2 to use exclamation marks to write exclamation sentences. We have done this in school on a few occasions but they may need a quick reminder. https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-is-an-exclamation-sentence

An exclamation sentence is a sentence beginning with: What or How and ending in a verb.  You will often see them in Little Red Riding Hood: What huge eyes you have! What big teeth you have! How sharp your teeth are!


Use the template below to write some sentences about Spongebob and Patrick.


What _________ he has!

How ________ he __!


E.g. What huge eyes he has!

How quickly he runs! (runs can change)

How shocked he looks!

What a doopy mouth he has!

Guided Reading:

Please The Enornous Turnip and answer the comprehension questions.


There are 3 versions of the story on the document below. Each version has stars in the corner which indicate the level. This is a fairly tricky text so try one star and see how you get on. If you feel it’s apprpriate carry on. If it’s fairly easy then try the 2 star. You don’t need to read every version of the story. They are all the same story, just different levels.

Please read Living in a Castle and then answer the comprehension questions.


Continued from Monday

Here is a link to the latest online safety lesson:



Category: Class 2 School Closure

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