16 June 2020

Hello Everyone!

Here's your work for the next couple of days.

Remember 2 hours a day is enough and starting your day off with some exercise is a great idea. We've been doing Joe Wicks every morning in school. 

  Year 3 Year 4

Please watch the videos on https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ and complete the worksheets below for week 8.

Year 3 Lesson 3 and 4

There are supporting activities each day on BBC Bitesize

Please watch the videos on https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ and complete the worksheets below for week 8.

Year 4 Lesson 3 and 4

There are supporting activities each day on BBC Bitesize


Please find the next SPaG activity mats below. If you did not start them on Monday, feel free to go back to Monday's work.

Year 3 English Activity Mats

Year 4 English Activity Mats


Please listen to the next chapter of Harry Potter on https://www.wizardingworld.com/ and complete some of the accompanying activities.


Watch http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/the-digestive-system/4180.html  to learn more about the digestive system.

You can also watch http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/digestive-enzymes/10649.html or http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/nutrient-groups-and-digestion/10648.html to learn more about the enzymes that help break down the food we eat.

Once you have watched these, I would like you to write an explanation text about the digestive system. Imagine you are writing it for someone who has no idea how we digest food! You may need to do extra research if you would like to find out more.

Something extra?

Keep safe everyone!

Miss Lambert x

Posted by Miss Lambert

Category: Class 3 School Closure

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