17 June 2020

Image of Class 4 Home Learning 17.06.20


Hi Class 4,


Hope that you are all well. We have had a lovely start to the week- we have enjoyed seeing some new faces in the classroom. We were excited to see some of you at the Google Meet on Monday. I have set out some more work for you to complete over the next couple of days. If any of you found the paper helicopters science hard to follow this link may really help you: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+make+a+paper+helicopter&rlz=1C1GGRV_enGB751GB751&oq=how+to+make+a+paper+helicopter&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.8456j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Amelia managed to work it out as you can see from this video. 



Please remember that 2 hours of work a day is plenty.


Miss Davis and Mr Wynn


We have been having a go at some circles art in Class 4. Why not have a go and see what you create. 

  Year 6 pack  Year 5 pack   


This week I would like you to watch the following clip.


Using the plans that you completed at the start of the week I would like you to retell the story of the Tiny Crusader. Try to include description, speech and use the 7 part story layout that we have been using this year. It would be great to see you including the following features:





-Relative Clauses

-Range of punctuation ( ) ! ? , : ;

- Noun Phrases

-Figurative language


I look forward to seeing the writing that you produce.







This week I would like you to watch the following clip.


Using the plans that you completed at the start of the week I would like you to retell the story of the Tiny Crusader. Try to include description, speech and use the 7 part story layout that we have been using this year. It would be great to see you including the following features:





-Relative Clauses

-Range of punctuation ( ) ! ? , : ;

- Noun Phrases

-Figurative language


I look forward to seeing the writing that you produce.


Year 6:

For Maths I would like you to continue with the White Rose lessons that we have been working on. 


Over the next few days I would like you to complete:

Lessons 3 and 4, week 8. 


The links you need for the videos are as follows:


Weekly Lesson Video links-




Lessons 3 and 4:


Click on this link to find the questions and answers for today's lessons.


White Rose Year 6 Maths


If you find that you have covered this unit before please email me for some alternative activities.







Year 5:

For Maths I would like you to continue with the White Rose lessons  that we have been working on. 

Over the next few days I would like you to complete:


Lessons 3 and 4, week 8. 


The links you need for the videos are as follows:


Weekly Lesson Video links-



Lessons 3 and 4:


Click on this link to find the questions and answers for today's lessons.


White Rose Year 5 Maths


If you find that you have covered this unit before please email me for some alternative activities.


Mason, Hollie and James:

For Maths I would like you to continue with the White Rose lessons that we have been working on. 


Over the next few days I would like you to complete:


Lessons 3 and 4, week 8. 


The links you need for the videos are as follows:


Weekly Lesson Video links-



Lessons 3 and 4:


Click on this link to find the questions and answers for today's lessons.


Mason and James Whiterose Maths


If you find that you have covered this unit before please email me for some alternative activities.








The next part of our Crime and Punishment topic is to explore crime and punishment in the medieval and Tudor periods. Using Information Sheet B, books and the internet, please write a paragraph explaining how crime and punishment had changed from the Norman period to the Tudor period, and what had stayed the same. Illustrate your work with images that reflect the times. 

Lesson 4 Crime and Punishment




Today's Computing challenge is an easy one. On your Google Drive under My Drive you will see all of the work you have completed so far. Can you begin to get organised by creating New Folders for your work and dragging it into the correct places. Can you create a folder for every subject we cover in school e.g. History, Geography, English and Guided Reading. Create new folders by clicking the large + in the top left corner. 


Guided Reading 


Chapter 7

For Guided Reading this half term we will be using Google Classroom and the online text Treasure Island. This can be found on the following link:


Please listen to the episode and then create a one page biography or fact sheet about Treasure Island and the author Robert Louis Stevenson. I have set up a template in the Classroom or you can create one in your books where you will be able to draw and colour in. 

Posted by Ms D Davis

Category: Class 4 School Closure

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