7 January 2021


Good morning Class 2


Welcome back. Thank you so much for your patience yesterday. Once we get into a routine, I'm sure these sessions will run smoothly. For maths and English, we will mark/feedback from yesterday's lesson, work through the power point and then stay online for the independent work. If you are able to work with your child, feel free to log off/on as needed during the independent work. 

I love to see what you've been doing at home so please send me photos of today's writing, topic and any other work you do at home. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you later,

Mrs Lott 


Year 1

Year 2

Lesson 1 

9am via Google Meet




  1. Register
  2. Maths marking from yesterday’s work.
  3. Flashback 4.
  4. Work for today




  1. Register
  2. Maths marking for yesterday’s work.
  3. Flashback 4.
  4. Work for today


Lesson 2

11am via Google Meet






We’re going to write another description today about the moon.

Lesson 3

1am via Google Meet




Today’s sounds is ‘ew’ making a cool blue sound.

We will work through the powerpoint together and then there is a wordsearch in your pack.




Today we’ll carry on learning about contractions such as:



We will work through the powerpoint together and then there is an activity in you pack.


W/C-4.1.20 Topic:

History – Moon Landing

  1. Research Neil Armstrong and fill in the fact file sheet in your home learning pack.
  2. Watch a video of Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon and complete the speech bubble sheet in character.
  3. Research Laika and create a poster about it.


W/C-4.1.20 Guided reading:

 Year 1:

I will upload 2 reading activities a week:

  1. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/5/dragons-den  Select start, phase 5 and then choose either ‘ue’ or ‘ew’.
  2. Phonics comic – Read ‘The Holiday’ and spot the sounds listed at the top of the comic.

Year 2:

Once we have got used to working online, Year 2 will take part in some online guided reading sessions in their phonics slot. I will also upload 2 guided reading activities a week.

  1. Read ‘The Space Adventure’ and answer the questions.
  2. Read ‘The Winning Goal’ and answer the questions.


Class 2 home learning wc4.1.21

Category: Class 2

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