7 January 2021

Good Morning Class 3, happy Thursday!


Just a reminder of how the day will run.


Today for English we are splitting off into groups, so the Year 3s will meet with Miss Smith on her link and Year 4 will meet with me on my link.


At 12'o'clock we will come together for a lesson on my link.


Miss Smith's link - https://meet.google.com/fiz-fbjo-shj

Miss Milward's link - https://meet.google.com/tyc-eyrg-zvq

Remember, Miss Milward's link will be online all day, so if you need help with a question, or if you'd like to say hello and have a chat, join me on my link.



Year 4: Factor Pairs - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/week-1-number-multiplication-division/

Year 3: Related Calculations - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/week-1-number-multiplication-division/

Posted by Mrs Conlon

Category: Class 3

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