16 December 2021
We have had a wonderful Autumn term in Class One full of lots of exciting learning and experiences! Well done Class One! You have flown like eagles.
Next half term we are going to be welcoming more children into Class One. We are very excited to make new friends and to show leadership as we welcome them into our school.
Next half term in Class One we will be learning around the theme 'Into the Woods!' We will learn about Winter, learn around stories set in the woods like Little Red Riding Hood and The Gruffalo, and we will also learn more about the celebration of Chinese New Year!
Reception will continue to take part in daily phonics sessions and learn the sounds with the Monster Phonics. We will start to learn more digraph and trigraph sounds this half term. Please remember to read your school home reading book 5 times a week, other stories, magazines, or anything else you like too read together at home! This will have a fantastic impact on your child's reading!
In Maths Reception will be learning around the White Rose themes 'Alive in 5!' and 'Growing 6,7,8!' More information can be found here https://whiterosemaths.com/resources.
Nursery will continue to learn and develop their prime areas of learning through 'Prime Time' sessions.
Forest school will continue to be on a Friday morning. Please provide your child with a warm forest school kit. This could be a thicker puddle suit or warm waterproof coat and waterproof trousers. You are welcome to send in a fleece to go underneath the suit too. Please send in a hat, scarf and gloves too.
We are also going to launch a 'Love for Reading' afternoon on a Friday afternoon. We will read in class and read with our friends across the school!
We are always looking for volunteers at St Mary's to help listen to readers and support us in other ways for example; by leading art and craft activities. If you are interested in volunteering or sharing a skills with us in Class One or popping in to read a story to Class One please let us know! We would love to welcome you into Class One.
We are also hoping that during the Spring Term we can invite parents in for a stay and play session.
What will our children achieve in the EYFS?
Our aim is that all children by the end of nursery and reception will achieve the following outcomes. You can support us with these at home too!
We love to know what you have been learning and experiencing together at home too. Please share these special moments with us via Class Dojo Portfolio or Evidence Me.
By the end of Nursery each child will:
Settle in and develop a love for learning.
Build strong relationships with their peers and adults in their class.
Behave appropriately in a range of learning situations.
Use the toilet independently.
Speak in sentences.
Enjoy singing, know songs and rhymes by heart and move to them with enjoyment.
Recognise and write at least the first letter in their name.
Have developed early subitising skills and talk about what they can see and how they see it using numbers from 0-3.
Love stories, join in, role play and use small world to explore and retell stories.
By the end of Reception each child will:
Be a well rounded, nurturing, individual who understands and implements the school values of love, respect and friendship through their behaviour and attitude.
Speak confidently in a range of situations using complete sentences and new vocabulary.
Be able to socialise and communicate effectively with their peers and adults as they play, to solve problems and to communicate their needs.
Have strong fine motor and gross motor skills through a range of opportunities offered through our school environment.
Love reading and be able to use effective decoding skills to read words in sentences.
Be able to confidently write a simple sentence using segmenting skills to spell.
Be a confident mathematician who can subitise and talk about ‘what they see and how they see it’ to support their problem solving, to show, prove and explain their maths understanding effectively.
Enjoy learning about themselves and others in their school, community and further afield, building a respectful attitude towards others, their beliefs and ways of life.
Thank you for your support throughout the Autumn term.
Have a lovely Christmas break everyone.
Posted by Mrs Coleman Harris
Category: Class 1