25 October 2024

Image of Mini scientists

We've done lots of science this term - we have placed pumpkins (both whole and halved) inside and outside and hypothesised which would rot first, we have made nests for hibernating hot water bottles and measured which ones stayed warmer for longer, and most recently, we have gotten the colour out of leaves. 

We collected yellow and green leaves, chopped them up in jars, poured a special mixture in and made predictions on which leaves would give the most colour out.

We found that the green leaves gave the most colour. Although we could spot a little bit of yellow on the filter papers. We said next time we do the experiment we were going to use white filter papers so we could see the colour better!

We even talked about how this might not have been a fair test, because one of the jars was bigger than the other one. 

Well done scientists!

Posted by Mrs Conlon

Category: Class 1

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