19 April 2020

Image of Class One Home learning 20/4/2020.


Hello Class One,


I hope you all had a lovely Easter. I have enjoyed seeing all of the wonderful Easter activities you have been having a go at. There has been lots of baking, art and crafts and wonderful outdoor fun happening. 


I have enjoyed gardening, sitting in the sunshine and listening to the birds. I created a fairy garden using some things I already had and things from the garden.I have also been on some more lovely walks around Lichfield and I have been doing lots of cooking and baking.


As many of you are enjoying gardening at home and watching things grow, for this week's home learning I thought we could learn around the story of Jack and the Beanstalk! Have fun and keep sending me lots of photos of your super learning!


Mrs Coleman-Harris x



First can you read or watch the story of Jack and the beanstalk.


There is a link to an e-book below.


Here is a link to a video version of the story.



Here is the audio story



Now can you draw your own Giant!



First draw your own Giant! What kind of hair will your Giant have? What will your Giant wear? Now can you think of a name for your Giant? Maybe you could think of some alliteration for your Giants name? For example; Massive Max or Terribly tall Tilly! 

Can you tell your parents about your Giant? How would you describe them? Use the word bank below for some ideas! Ask your parents to write down your ideas for you. 

Next can you label your Giant with initial sounds? For example; what sound does leg start with? Can you write the initial sound for leg next to your Giant's leg? Maybe you can sound out the word leg and write more or all of the sounds you hear in the word?



First draw your own Giant! What kind of hair will your Giant have? What will your Giant wear? Now can you think of a name for your Giant? Maybe you could think of some alliteration for your Giants name? For example; Massive Max or Terribly tall Tilly!

Can you tell your parents about your Giant? How would you describe them? Use the word bank below for some ideas! 

Now can you write some sentences about your Giant. Use your phonics, a sound mat, writing checklist and the word bank to help you. (All of these are attached below)


Here are some sentence starters and ideas.


He is…

She is…

He has…

She has...


He is tall and he has a loud voice.       She has long hair and sparkly green eyes.


She is grumpy and cross!                   He is friendly and kind.




Today we are learning more about number! Your maths challenges have been posted on class dojo today!



Have a look at the maths challenge I have set you on dojo.



Have a look at the maths challenge I have set you on dojo.


Your topic challenges this week are all around the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.


There are lots of ideas attached below of some Jack and the Beanstalk inspired learning activities!  Take a look and choose some to try out together. Attached at the bottom of this page are some folders with lots of activities for Nursery and Reception to do, all with a Jack and the Beanstalk theme. There is an I- spy counting game, cutting activities, writing prompts, maths games and lots of other things for you to try out!


Try out some of these challenges! Complete pages 5 and 6 of the School closure pack.



Visit the Education City website

Your login is username will either be your first name and the number 0 after it or your first name, first initial and a number 0 after it. The password is dog.


For example; Tom0   or Tomf0 


When you have logged on there will be lots of homework activities for you to explore. 


Have a go at some of these art and design activities!


Try using blocks or something similar to print a castle for the Giant!


Try using pencils, pens, crayons, paint or anything you like to create some beanstalk art! You could use cotton wool for the clouds and natural resources for parts of the beanstalk.


Use any left over packaging to create a junk model castle!

See the source image


Create a Jack and the Beanstalk small world area

Can you use small world toys, lego, printable pictures, junk modelling resources and anything else you can find, to make a Jack and the Beanstalk small world area? Can you draw the characters from the story or print them off and cut them out, then add them to your small world area. Then you can retell the story from beginning to end, using key phrases from the story. Maybe you could change the story? Maybe someone else could live in the castle or maybe Jack is captured by the Giant? 



Planting at home!

Can you plant some vegetables at home, care for them and watch them grow. Maybe you could plant a bean seed in a bag or in a jar and watch it grow. Can you spot the roots and the shoot appear? Can you record what happens to it each week? Maybe you can sequence the life cycle of a bean?

Here is a link to a stem science activity- https://www.science-sparks.com/bean-in-a-jar/


Class one writing prompts


Jack and the Beanstalk home learning for Nursery


Jack and the Beanstalk home learning for Reception


Class One Jack and the Beanstalk home learning!

Posted by Mrs Coleman Harris

Category: Class 1 School Closure

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