24 April 2020
School Closure Work 27th April 2020
Remember that 2 hours a day is plenty of work. Be safe, happy and have fun.
Year 1: |
Year 2: |
Phonics/ Spellings: |
Username: march20 Password: home
Use the above login for Phonics Play: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ Please could children complete at least one Phase 5c phonics game a day. Feel free to choose a sound for them to focus on. We have covered all of the sounds now but revision for: oi, ar, ow, ear, air and ur would be beneficial. |
It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message.
It’s spelling test day! Please test your children on this week’s spellings and send me scores on Dojo message. |
CGP books – Continue to complete a test from the maths, spag and reading book each week. Please mark these books at home and work through the answers together if possible. |
Maths: (White Rose provides a video, questions, problem solving and an answer booklet) |
Please complete lessons 1 and 2 in Summer term Week 2 on White Rose Maths Home Learning website. There first 3 lessons continue with learning about fractions. Any practical activities you can do with fractions at home are great as well. You could share pizzas, sweets or toys to find halves and quarters
New Education City activities should be online to support learning.
Please complete lessons 1 and 2 in Summer term Week 2 on White Rose Maths Home Learning website. These lessons continue to focus on measurement. Also have a go at measuring anything around the house using a ruler, scales or a thermometer if you can.
New Education City activities should be online to support learning. |
English: (Monday/ Tuesday Grammar focus) |
Focus for Year 1 and 2: Adjectives https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zy2r6yc
Watch the video about adjectives. Adjectives are words that describe nouns (things, people or places). E.g. There is a red balloon in the cloudy sky. Adjectives are normally placed before the noun, but can be listed in a sentence as well (Y2). E.g. My lego house is blue, red and yellow. OR My lego house is tall, strong and multi-coloured.
E.g. In my tidy garden I can see a bouncy trampoline with a blue net.
Another video about adjectives is below: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/skillswise/adjectives/zd7hwty
Education City has adjective based activities this week. |
Guided Reading:
Please read the Yo Ho No comic in the resources below. Questions/activities:
Open the resource below: ‘The Great White Shark’ in the resources below.
Topic: |
Unit Title: Safety https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbIe4prf0hg This week’s topic is focussed on road and sea safety. Sea Safety
Road Safety
Computing: |
Education City has some Computing activities which will be active for the whole half term. The focus is: Information Technology. Feel free to access them as you would like. They are available to all children and there is a mix of activities, videos and questions to prompt conversation. |
Class 2 27.04.20 School Closure Resources
Category: Class 2 School Closure