26 March 2020

Image of Class One Home learning 27/3/2020

Hello Class One,

Below is today's home learning! Enjoy and have fun!

Remember to send some photos through to me on dojo to share your learning with me. 

Continue to explore the other things I have shared with you too to help you develop your learning in all areas. I will post more things when I find them. 

Continue to learn through your play with your family. Paint, draw, rest, build, do yoga, go out in the garden, have a tea party, plant! Do your favourite things at home. Continue to show love, respect and friendship, be good and fly like Eagles!

Parents - Here's some useful ways to support your child to understand the current situation https://helpingkids.co.uk/helping-kids-understand-the-coronavirus/


Home learning for Friday:

Maths Challenge-

Here is your maths challenge for today! This is for both Reception and Nursery. 

Today we are learning some more about 2D shape.


First watch and join in with the 2D shape song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfRuLS-Vnjs

What 2D shapes can you name? Can you describe them? What 2D shapes can you spot in the picture of the street in the song? Can you describe the shapes properties?


Next we are going on a 2D shape hunt! Can you go on a 2D shape hunt around the house? Click the link below for some more instructions for this activity. Nursery can focus on finding and naming 2D shapes around the house. Reception can focus on finding, naming and describing 2D shapes around the house, and you may also find some 3D shapes along the way too that you can name and describe!

Here is the activity pack for today- https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/homelearning/early-years/Day-4-Starting-with-a-Story-Number-or-Shape-Hunt.pdf


Literacy challenge-


Can you read Rick the Duck? Here is the link to the comic-http://www.phonicsplaycomics.co.uk/comic_ph2_rick_the_duck.html

Use your phonics to help you sound out and blend the words in the comic.

Now can you answer these questions in a full sentence:

  • Where has Rick the Duck been? He has been...
  • How have the clothes on the washing line got so muddy? They got muddy because....
  • What do you think about Rick the duck's behaviour? Why? I think....because...
  • How did the other animals get so muddy? 
  • What are the animals called?
  • How does the alien feel? Why? The alien feels....because...
  • What happened next? I think...

Next can you think about what the alien (who is next to the animals running on the mat) would be saying to the animals making a mess? Can you draw the alien and ask your parent to draw you a speech bubble so that you can write what the alien is saying to the animals inside the bubble? 

Here are some ideas for what the alien might say:

Stop that!                It is a mess!            No mud on the rug!

Image result for alien with speech bubble


Can you sing and sign The Wheels on the Bus? Here is the song and Makaton signs to help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0peZ5AN5vs8

Now can you think of some more things that might happen on the bus? Who else could get on the bus? What would they do on the bus? What if a monkey got on the bus? What if Princess Elsa got on the bus? What if Batman got on the bus? What would they do?

Next can you draw your own bus along with the people/characters/animals who you would like to get on your bus?

Image result for childresn drawing of a bus

Throughout the week:

Choose some activities from pages 1 and 2 to complete together from the Early Years school closure pack. 

Your themed challenge for this week is:

Can you watch the Easter story and discuss it together? How do the people and Jesus feel throughout the story? Can you retell what happened in sequence? 

Now can you create an Easter garden to represent the story? You could use anything you like to create this! You might like to paint it, use creative materials, natural resources or lego? Can you make some labels for your Easter garden?

Here is the link to the Easter story:


Here are some ideas for your Easter garden!

Image result for easter garden Image result for easter garden made form lego

School closure work

School closure pack ANSWERS

Visual timetable

Posted by Mrs Coleman Harris

Category: Class 1 School Closure

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